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Task 9


Automotive Fuels Information Service


The result of this task is an independent information service (IEA/AFIS) that can answer strategic questions on automotive fuels. This information service has assisted many other tasks of the AMF Implementing Agreement.

During the three operating years of the task, five books have been produced in a series “Automotive Fuels Survey”.

The first two volumes “Raw Materials and Conversion” and “Distribution and Use” describe the relevant aspects of the well to wheel fuel chain of automotive fuels. Fuels included are: gasoline, diesel oil, LPG, natural gas, alcohol fuels, vegetable oils and biodiesels, hydrogen and dimethyl ether. Aspects covered are for example: energy consumption, emissions, costs, technology, infrastructure, legislation and safety.

The third volume “Comparison and Selection” describes a method to use the enormous amount of available information when a decision on automotive fuels has to be made. Examples are presented to clarify the working method. The examples include the fuels that are addressed in the first two volumes.

Volume four “Innovations or Illusions” addresses some special fuels that are not discussed in the first two volumes. Volume five “Mobile Machinery: Sector analysis” describes energy consumption and emissions of the mobile machinery sector, compared to road vehicles. It also discusses the role of alternative fuels in this sector.


  • Belgium
  • Canada
  • Finland
  • Netherlands
  • Sweden
  • United Kingdom
  • USA