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Task 67


Recent Progress in SAF Research

Purpose, Objectives and Key Question

The purpose of the SAF Task is to facilitate information exchange between the participating countries on recent SAF research. Three key areas of interest have been identified: SAF production, SAF utilization, and policy recommendations.


The activities of the SAF Task will be a series of in-depth discussion in form of thematic workshops about recent research work on sustainable aviation fuels to realize the potential of SAF and their emission reduction contribution to the net-zero target. The workshops expand on the topics outlined below. Stakeholders in the field of aviation (industry, academia, policy makers, international organizations, finance sector) will be invited to participate in this information exchange.

Workshop topics:

  1. SAF production
    1. Monitoring of SAF R&D, demonstration projects and production   deployment
    2. Analysis of the potential role of SAFs in decarbonizing aviation in IEA   scenarios
    3. SAF deployment mechanisms in the market place
    4. Integration of SAF into fuel distribution infrastructure
    5. Evaluate the current and potential future costs of SAF via different   production pathways
  2. SAF utilization in aircraft
    1. Status and developments of engine technology using SAF
    2. Identification of production process parameters and desirable end-use properties, relevant to mixture preparation, combustion, stability and emission formation through experiments and simulations
    3. SAF evaluation, testing, qualification, and specification, to support the   development of new ASTM standards
    4. Enable the use of drop-in unblended SAF and SAF blends up to 100%
    5. Impact of SAF utilization on non-CO2 effects (contrails, spray formation)
    6. Investigate novel jet fuels that offer performance or producibility advantages
  3. Policy recommendations to governments interested in scaling up SAF production and adoption
    1. Synthesis of SAF promotion policies in different world regions
    2. Recommendations of new policy measures to further promote SAF production and utilization

Expected Results/Deliverables

The expected outcome from the SAF follow-up Task is to create a network of SAF experts and to exchange information on recent research within this network. Information sheets per workshop, key messages, and national recommendations are key for making the workshop results available to a wider audience.

  • Task website providing an overview of new RD&D on SAF and featuring each of the workshops (outline, summary, links)
  • 10 online workshops
  • Information-sheet published on Task-Website after each Workshop (Topics defined in scoping meetings by Task participants)
  • National recommendations of the participating countries (not obligatory)

Compiled Task report and key messages at the end of the Task.

Project Duration

July 2024 - June 2027


   Task Sharing

   Cost Sharing


Austria, Brazil, China, Denmark, Germany, Spain, Switzerland, USA


Total Budget


Task Manager

Walter Mauritsch
Austrian Energy Agency